Quality: a Matter of Choice
A business reality based on the principles of continuous improvement
Our company is extremely focused on the aim to base our strength on the principle of continuous improvement. And this is what we actually do.
For us, this intent is the only way to guarantee the maximum satisfaction to our customer in terms of quality of the thermoformed trays we realize, and all the other related services.\r\nWe base our work on the following principles:
- Implementation and maintenance of management systems
- Guaranteeing safe products, respectful of the legislation in force regarding Materials and Objects destined to food contact. We apply continuous updates and perform analysis on the finished products with the help of the best national accredited laboratories.
- Accurate control of all production stages and all the processes, to increase the quality characteristics of our products
- Selection and monitoring the performance of our suppliers
- Care of the professional growth of our human resources
We are aware that the goal of the Quality Assurance and Food Safety of our thermoformed trays requires a constant commitment, and we can obtain the goal only through the full involvement of all the operational staff and all our business associates.
Cerreti Srl – certified Company UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and UNI EN ISO 22000:2005